Configuration Management With Figaro
This article shows you how to simplify application configuration using the Figaro gem.
Published on:May 24, 2016
The use of environment variables in our Rails applications can become cumbersome, especially with larger applications. Thankfully theFigaro
gem helps simplify this. In this article we will show you how to use Figaro to simplify the configuration for your application. Let's get started.
Rails Application Setup
The first thing we must do is add the Figaro gem to our gemfile. Open up your gemfile
now and add in the code listed below.
gem 'figaro'
Now run a bundle install to install the gem.
bundle install
Now we must tell figaro to install itself. Figaro will create a new file in your config folder called application.yml. In addition, figaro will add an entry to the .gitignore
file to tell git that we wish to exclude application.yml
from git. Run the command below to install figaro now.
bundle exec figaro install
Great, now if you open up config/application.yml you'll see a bunch of sample settings. You can define settings globally or on a per environment basis. Let's do this now. Let's move oursecret_key_base
to our config/application.yml
. Modify your application.yml
file so that it looks like the code listed below. Note: while it's okay to use the values for an example application, do not use the values listed here for your production machine. Instead use the rake secret
to generate unique values for each environment.
secret_key_base: fcfcb34e7d5bd30d905e9f11944bd4b1037851ad0f2fa8b91bdda366dc4341017a6124debf4c2cff1e3ffd4945c4a911a91c7c1fa75951fac52278c41219123f
secret_key_base: 413e9c3a2598f6afc8e1d18be6de8ae0228de9a669f62131d8a4cbb9ca42576676f13aa5f76194c1eab0e7f78c22f82711e008d1b27a0c379018612c3214e824
Now let's modify the secrets.yml
to use figaro to load the configuration values. There are two ways of doing this. We can either use ENV['secret_key_base']
or we can use the figaro provided Figaro.env.secret_key_base
. It is recommended you use Figaro.env over ENV as Figaro.env can be easily stubbed and unstubbed for testing purposes. Open up your config/secrets.yml
file now and add in the code listed below.
secret_key_base: <%= Figaro.env.secret_key_base %>
secret_key_base: <%= Figaro.env.secret_key_base %>
secret_key_base: <%= Figaro.env.secret_key_base %>
The code above tells Rails to get the secret_key_base
setting and make it accessible to the secrets.yml
file. When this setting is accessed, Figaro will load the the setting from application.yml
for the appropriate environment and use it. We can demonstrate this by loading up a rails console
. If we start the rails console and run the command listed below, we will see that the appropriate setting gets loaded.
irb(main):001:0> Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base #=> "fcfcb34e7d5bd30d905e9f11944bd4b1037851ad0f2fa8b91bdda366dc4341017a6124debf4c2cff1e3ffd4945c4a911a91c7c1fa75951fac52278c41219123f"
irb(main):002:0> Figaro.env.secret_key_base #=> "fcfcb34e7d5bd30d905e9f11944bd4b1037851ad0f2fa8b91bdda366dc4341017a6124debf4c2cff1e3ffd4945c4a911a91c7c1fa75951fac52278c41219123f"
irb(main):003:0> ENV['secret_key_base'] # => "fcfcb34e7d5bd30d905e9f11944bd4b1037851ad0f2fa8b91bdda366dc4341017a6124debf4c2cff1e3ffd4945c4a911a91c7c1fa75951fac52278c41219123f"
You can also further see this by loading up the rails console
in the test environment by running rails console test
irb(main):002:0> Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base #=> "413e9c3a2598f6afc8e1d18be6de8ae0228de9a669f62131d8a4cbb9ca42576676f13aa5f76194c1eab0e7f78c22f82711e008d1b27a0c379018612c3214e824"
irb(main):003:0> Figaro.env.secret_key_base #=> "413e9c3a2598f6afc8e1d18be6de8ae0228de9a669f62131d8a4cbb9ca42576676f13aa5f76194c1eab0e7f78c22f82711e008d1b27a0c379018612c3214e824"
irb(main):004:0> ENV['secret_key_base'] #=> "413e9c3a2598f6afc8e1d18be6de8ae0228de9a669f62131d8a4cbb9ca42576676f13aa5f76194c1eab0e7f78c22f82711e008d1b27a0c379018612c3214e824"
Required Keys
It may seem a bit redundant to use Figaro and application.yml when you have secrets.yml, but Figaro also has another feature, it allows you to make certain keys required. Calling Figaro.require_keys
will instantly throw an exception if the keys specified are not present:
Figaro.require_keys('this_is_a_fake_key') #=> Figaro::MissingKeys exception
We can also easily add the require keys at startup via an initializer. Create a new initializer called figaro.rb
and add in the code listed below.
Figaro.require_keys [
Now if you try to start your application without the secret_key_base setting being set, figaro will throw an exception. That's it, thanks for reading!